Russia’s war on Ukraine, the pandemic, geopolitical competition, foreign interference in our democracies and other challenges we currently face show the urgent need to prepare, empower and invest in our nations’ and our societies’ ability to defend themselves. We must be able to better respond to and recover from change, stress, shock and disruption.
But resilience is not a job for national governments, NATO or the EU alone, nor is it the sole responsibility of our citizens. It’s a collective effort, requiring public-private-civic cooperation and civil preparedness. Societal resilience needs participation of government, the armed forces, the private sector, and empowered citizens. A society’s ability to resist and recover ultimately depends on citizens’ understanding of the challenges and their active contribution.
Defend Democracy is therefore launching ‘Radio Resilience. Conversations about our ability to adapt and respond to change’. In the coming months, we will organise a series of Twitter Spaces around the theme of resilience. The live audio exchanges aim to help grow civil resilience by increasing citizens’ understanding, both of democracies’ many security challenges and of the importance of working together ‘whole-of-society’ for collective resilience.
Each of the sessions will convene several speakers and will be moderated by Defend Democracy. A transcript will be published of all exchanges.
- Episode 1: Societal resilience to hybrid threats (play the recording or read the transcript)
- Episode 2: Energy and climate resilience, and the role of democracy (read the transcript)
- Episode 3: Resilience against disinformation and foreign interference (play the recording or read the transcript)
- Episode 4: On the link between democracy and security (play the recording or read the transcript)
- Episode 5: How food is once again being used as a weapon (play the recording or read the transcript)
- Episode 6: What to do against the weaponisation of emerging technologies (play the recording or read the transcript)
Stay tuned for the next ‘Radio Resilience’ via our social media. Did you enjoy listening or reading? Please take a moment for a survey from NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division.

- Supported by: NATO‘s Public Diplomacy Division
- Period: 1 October – 30 December 2022
- Status: completed