Every month, democracy advocates, thinkers and enthusiasts meet up at informal networking events known as #DemocracyDrinks. The events attract a lively mixture of people from NGOs, international institutions, think tanks, national governments and representations, academia, public affairs consultancies, social businesses and other active citizens.
#DemocracyDrinks are a great way of making new contacts and catching up with people you know; for testing ideas and planning actions; for moral support and inspiration. Feel free to invite friends and colleagues that work on or are interested in defending values like democracy, rule of law, human rights… Come along and you will be made welcome.
#DemocracyDrinks are currently organised in Aarhus, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Kathmandu, London, Montreal, The Hague, Vilnius, Washington DC, and Zürich, and soon also in other cities. For details and updates see our dedicated website: democracydrinks.org. All events respect local health measures.
We are working on launching our democracy networking events in other countries too, so ultimately you will be able to join us wherever you are.
Looking forward to meeting you at our #DemocracyDrinks!

- Supported by: Defend Democracy and local organisers
- Start date: 18 October 2018
- Status: ongoing