Defending Democracy in an Age of Sharp Power. Countering Hybrid and Technological Threats to Democracy
A new era calls for a new coalition. Democracies need to talk to each other and figure out a more joint approach to foreign interference by ‘sharp power’: authoritarian regimes seeking to undermine our democracies from within and constraining our policy choices by the weaponisation of everything. Ahead of key European elections, Defend Democracy is therefore launching the Coalition for Democratic Resilience (C4DR), bringing together governments and civil society from current and future EU and NATO countries, who are all facing challenges of sharp power – also known as ‘hybrid threats’.
This event is co-organised with the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, whose priorities include defending democracy, strengthening EU resilience and protecting its interests and values. ‘Safeguarding our citizens necessitates discussions on the future of European security, moving towards a more integrated Union approach.’ ‘The Presidency will pay particular attention to bolstering the EU’s resilience to crises and to new and hybrid challenges.’
The conference Defending Democracy in an Age of Sharp Power is taking place in collaboration with the European External Action Service and under auspices of the Belgian Presidency in Brussels on Wednesday 29 May.
Welcome & introduction
Peter Booms, Chair of the EU working party on Enhancing Resilience and Countering Hybrid Threats, Belgian EU Presidency
Jana Zikmundova, Chair Defend Democracy; Ambassador (ret.) to Ukraine
Alice Stollmeyer, Founder & Executive Director Defend Democracy
Opening key notes
Manon Le Blanc, Acting Head of Hybrid Threats and Cyber Division, EEAS
Daniela Morari, Ambassador of Moldova to the EU
Oksana Diakun, Deputy Head of Mission, Ukraine Mission to the EU
Panel 1: Countering Hybrid Threats to Democracy
Lucjan Kubica, Deputy Director of Research and Analysis, Hybrid CoE
Khan Jahier, Resilience Policy Officer, Defence Policy & Planning, NATO HQ
Juho Simpura, Senior Specialist Cyber and Hybrid Threats, Finland to the EU
moderator: Oana Lungescu, Distinguished Fellow, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)
Coffee break
Bridging key note
Paul Nemitz, Principal Adviser, European Commission
Panel 2: Countering Technological Challenges to Democracy
Adrian Niță, coordinator CoI ‘Resilience of communication systems and new technological ecosystems’, Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre
Jim Dratwa, Head of the European Group on Ethics in Science & New Technologies Office, European Commission
Jutta Meier, Founder & CEO, Identity Valley
Kim van Sparrentak, Member of European Parliament
moderator: Alice Stollmeyer, Founder & Executive Director Defend Democracy
Closing key note
Benedetta Berti, Head of Policy Planning in the Office of the Secretary General at NATO
Networking lunch
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