Senior Advisor Rishi Datta served as the NDI country director for India, Bangladesh and Malawi. He brings two decades of experience throughout Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. He has managed and implemented programs on civil society organisations, electoral assistance, and strategic and digital communications. Rishi supports Defend Democracy on strategic matters and organisational development.

Senior Advisor Jonathan Hill has 25 years’ experience in political communications. He was speech-writer to the President of the European Commission, and Chief of Staff to the Commissioner for Education and Culture. Jonathan advises Defend Democracy on communications strategy.

Senior Advisor Sam Lockwood has over a decade of experience building successful businesses focused on social impact. He has led high-profile projects across Europe and the US, including EU-wide voter engagement campaigns. He is the Founding Director of a leading community organising consultancy and a fundraising platform. Sam will help drive Defend Democracy’s sustainable growth to make a lasting impact.

Advisor Marleen van Leengoed has a solid background in human-centred design and value-sensitive design and is now expanding her focus to align technologies with democratic values. She has over 15 years of experience working in healthcare and high-tech industries. Marleen advises Defend Democracy on ethical and values-based tech design.

Advisor Federica Luciolli has over 10 years of professional experience in the private and non-profit sectors, leading business development efforts from start-ups to multinationals. She has worked on a range of social justice issues; specialising in spearheading collaborations and conducting research to inform strategies. Federica will support Defend Democracy with fundraising and organisational development.

Joris de Graaf has worked several years as a mental health care physician. He has recently shifted his professional focus to citizen participation at both the municipal and national levels. Joris will use his experience to support Defend Democracy’s research efforts.

Mila Noor De Baere is a journalist with a specialised background in Conflict and Development Studies. She previously collaborated with a renowned war correspondent and conducted research on gender-based violence and the role of media. Mila will support Defend Democracy’s management and help with research and communications.